Výroba forem pro EPP a EPS.

Workshop machinery

Our company possesses a workshop equipped with the most current technology available, for example:

  • Vertical CNC milling centre Hurco 84 x=2135 y=860 z=760
  • Vertical CNC milling centre Hurco 50 x=1270 y=660 z=610
  • Vertical CNC milling centre Hurco 30 x=760 y=460 z=610
  • Vertical CNC milling centre Haas VF5  x=1270 y=660 z=635
  • Vertical CNC milling centre Haas VM3 x=1016 y=660 z=635
  • CNC lathe STYLE 510
  • Milling machines, lathes, circular grinders, flat grinders, jig bores

The machinesmith workshop is equipped with a drill press, drop shears for tin of width 1000, bender of width 1000, small drills, hardening furnaces for heat treatment of small parts, and other equipment including welding in a protected atmosphere (CO2, argon).

Workshop capacity

The capacity of our workshop is governed by the current number of our employees, twenty-five. The total workshop area is ca. 800 m2. The usable area for assembly work is ca. 150 m2.